Summer Morning

Summer is almost over. How depressing.
I fear I'm running out of energy for this kitchen project. For some reason today the thought of building cabinets and calling flooring guys, arranging for PODS and picking out wall colors (ack!) is making me very tired. I need a vacation. (ahem, but you ARE on vacation.) No, I need a real vacation... like in the mountains somewhere near a lake or in a fully finished and furnished house on the coast of Maine somewhere. With no computers, no deadlines, no neighbors, no nothing. But alas, just thinking of hunting up such a place makes me tired.
Or maybe it's the 105 F heat index outside for the past few days making me feel this way. Oh, and the constant flow of contractors in my house every day is starting to get on my nerves. I'm not complaining. I am still so grateful for them. But it has somehow changed the dynamics. Of everything.
you find "the" vacaton spot...AND I'll send $$ for it! Y'all certainly DESERVE IT!!
luv, ma
Jen - I am visiting your blog from IkeaFans - I have the house in Maine for you! Just stayed there week before last. Here is the web site:
You want Saltwater Farm! It's heaven on earth.
Thank you Dana! I see you're the one who is doing the painted Fagerland cabinets. So pretty! I visited your blog a long time ago before I even started mine. In fact, I think your blog was the inspiration to start my own. Love your new house!
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